Contact Us

Kevin G. Sumner, MPH — Director and Health Officer of MBRHC. Kevin has been with the Commission since 1985 working previously as an environmental officer, Registered Environmental Health Specialist, and Health Educator. He received his M.P.H. from the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey and his B.A. in Biological Sciences and Classical Humanities from Rutgers University. He can be reached at 732-968-5151 x 6646 or Option 1, or via email at

Robyn Key – Senior Registered Environmental Health Specialist. Robyn has worked with MBRHC since 1988. She serves as the Licensed Lead Inspector / Risk Assessor for the Commission and as health inspector for Green Brook and Watchung. She can be reached at 732-968-5151 x 6647 or Option 2, or via email at

Melanie Brooks – Melanie is the Administrative Assistant for the department. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Conservation Biology and Ecology from Arizona State University. She can be reached at 732-968-5151 x 6648 or Option 3, or via email at

Shahira Morell – Registered Environmental Health Specialist. Shahira serves as health inspector for the towns of Bridgewater, Green Brook and Watchung. She can be reached at 908-725-6300 x 5200 and 732-968-5151, or via email at and

Eze Udensi, MD – Local Health Outreach Coordinator.  Eze is responsible for identifying the needs of vulnerable populations and connecting them with the services that are available to help them.  He is also responsible for disease surveillance and outbreak management for the Commission, childcare centers, and long term care and other facilities.  If you have questions or services to offer, he can be reached at 732-968-5151 x 6649 or Option 4, or via email at

Amelia Dominguez, MPH, CHES – Certified Health Education Specialist. Amelia is responsible for bringing public health awareness to the community and educating community members on healthy living through wellness programs. She has a master’s degree in Public Health with a concentration in Community Health Education from Montclair State University. She can be reached at 732-968-1023 ext. 6681 or via email at

Donna Ostman – Registered Environmental Health Specialist. Donna has worked with the Commission since 1987 and serves as health inspector for Warren Township. She can be reached at 908-753-8000 x 238 or via email at

Patty Martins – Administrative Secretary and Registrar of Vital Statistics for the Warren Township Board of Health. She can be reached at 908-753-8000 x 239 or via email at

Patricia (Patty) Timko-Parker – Registered Environmental Health Specialist. She has a master's degree in Public health with a focus in Health Administration from William Paterson University. Patty joined the Bridgewater Health Division in September 2020 after having worked in other local health departments. She is the primary health inspector for Bridgewater and can be reached at 908-725-6300 x 5205 or via email at

Atul Shah can be reached via email at

Lisa Couch, Treasurer, can be reached via email at

Bob Longo, alternate, can be reached via email at

For EMERGENCY AFTER HOURS CONTACT, please contact your local Police Department, which will contact the Health Officer.

Greenbrook Police Department: 732-968-1188
Warren Police Department: 908-753-1000
Watchung Police Department: 908-756-3663
Bridgewater Police Department: 908-722-4111